So, how can you find Bergdala?
Easy: our location is N 56° 50.029', E 15° 13.257'. Put these figures in your GPS, and you'll get here!If you don't have a GPS, you'll have to look at the maps - from the "city map" to the map of Europe:
History Lore What is there? What's downtown? The landscape: a walk Surroundings * "greater Bergdala" * Historical Småland * Cultural Småland * Tasty Småland HOME Links Pictures: * Glass * Stone walls * Map for a walk |
So, how can you find Bergdala?Easy: our location is N 56° 50.029', E 15° 13.257'. Put these figures in your GPS, and you'll get here!If you don't have a GPS, you'll have to look at the maps - from the "city map" to the map of Europe: |